When you happen to be a smaller school, stocking your roster with elite talent is not the norm, but things are changing.
At schools like Miami LaSalle, head coach Helder Valle has been able to assemble some quality talent as this program grows and builds toward the future.
What the Royals have done is build a team with athletes who can lead and serve as role models – and senior Luis Bodden Jr. and junior Dairo Melendez have truly paved the way.
PLAYER: Luis Bodden Jr.
SCHOOL: Miami LaSalle
CLASS: 2022
SCOUTING: If there was someone who was made to play the center position, it’s this quality athlete. Strong, quick and knowledge of both sides of the line of scrimmage. His athleticism gives him a huge advantage, and when you watch him in battles with defensive linemen in games or at camps, he always has the upper hand.
Being technically sound has also gone a long way in his performance and the way that college coaches have been viewing his game.
TAPE: https://www.hudl.com/profile/11829568/Luis-Bodden
PLAYER: Dairo Melendez
SCHOOL: Miami LaSalle
CLASS: 2023
SCOUTING: Having watched this impressive prospect the past two years, there is no doubting how impressive he is.
From playing every defensive line position to winning battles and outshining star-rated athletes, this is someone who will be playing this game years after those “higher rated” have finished. He is that good, athletic, skilled and passionate about the game and working hard to be the best he can be.
This is a talented prospect who has used this off-season to get these college coaches looking in his direction, and after watching him perform, they will be sold.
TAPE: https://www.hudl.com/profile/12903149/Dairo-Melendez
For the past 51 years, we have spent time going from games to practices, camps, combines and 7-on-7 events. We will remain steadfast to promote all south Florida’s high school football prospects. Follow us on Facebook (Larry Blustein- SFHSports) and Twitter (@SFHSSports - @larryblustein). Contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..